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The best playschool
for your kid

Art and Craft

Children get to express their creativity through painting, drawing, coloring, and crafting. This helps develop fine motor skills and encourages self-expression.

Sensory Play

Activities involving sensory materials like sand, water, playdough, or sensory bins provide opportunities for tactile exploration, stimulate the senses, and promote cognitive development.

Cook without fire

Kids learn about kitchen safety, like washing the hands and using utensils properly. Plus, it's a great opportunity to practice their fine motor skills as they chop, mix, and assemble ingredients.

Circle Time

Circle time typically involves group activities like singing songs, playing games, and participating in discussions. It helps children develop social skills, learn to take turns, and build a sense of community.

Music and Movement

Singing songs, dancing, and playing musical instruments allow children to explore rhythm, develop coordination, and express themselves through movement.

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is essential for physical development and gross motor skills. It allows children to run, jump, climb, and explore nature while getting fresh air and exercise.


Kids learn about the importance of sunlight, water, and soil for plants to grow healthy and strong.

Math and Science Exploration

Simple math activities like counting objects, sorting shapes, and basic pattern recognition introduce children to early math concepts. Science experiments, such as observing plants grow or exploring the p roperties of water, encourage curiosity and critical thinking skills.